Thursday, 15 July 2010

Be green at work

10 ways to be green at work

I'm going to assume, like me, you are a lowly commuting employee, rather than the owner of a business or someone with real input into the company's environmental management system .  If you are the owner of a business, an entirely different post is required (something which I intend to look into at some point.)

However, my fellow dogsbodies, there is plenty you can do to make your experience at work an altogether greener one.

1. Commute by foot / bike / public transport / car share.  An obvious one, but overlooked by many.  Your environmentally friendly day can start before you've even arrived.

2. Once you arrive at work, use your own mug for tea and coffee - rather than disposable plastic ones.  Unelss you absoltuely can't go without your caffeine kick (like me, sadly), try having a cool drink instead. 

3. Turn off lights when you leave the room.  Well, duh.

4. Don't print emails unless you absolutely have to.  If you need to show an email to another member of staff, forward it on.  Put a line in your email signature saying 'please do not print unless absolutely necessary.'

5. Surround your desk with plants - this helps remove toxins from the air and generally create a pleasant working atmosphere.

6. Turn taps off tightly when you have finished using them, and turn any off that you see dripping.

7. Switch off your computer monitor when you are not using it (even if you are just nipping out).

8. Use paper that has been printed on as scrap paper.  Similarly recycle lever arch files, archive boxes, file dividers, and anything else you can possibly re-use!

9. Make that trip to the recycling bin.  Many offices these days have a central paper recycling facility.  While some workers are lucky enough to have recycling bins under their desks (I have worked in one such place), most places require you to get up and walk.  So: even if the temptation of putting it in the bin under your desk is difficult to resist, get up and make that walk.  You'll feel better, I promise.

10. And finally (if management will allow it) put a jumper on before you turn on that heater; and take it off before you turn on that fan.  Electrical temperature manipulators should always be a last resort - that's what clothes were invented for!

GUILTY CONFESSION: I do not keep to all these.  Sometimes, in a bad mood, I might screw up some paper and toss it in the bin under my desk.  Or I accidentally leave my computer on standby.  I'm only human (aren't we all).

So now we've got that out of the way... what other ideas do you have?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Every Point except number 5. Although I might rectify that next week.

    11) When your firm asks you to fly say no. Flying is the fastest growing source of CO2

  3. That's very good going, geobanthorp! I wish I was that dedicated (although I try most of the time).

    The flying is a good one - although some employees have little choice in the matter. But if a choice is offered, you should definitely say no (for the reasons you said.)

  4. NOoooooo, please don't put 'please do not print unless absolutely necessary' on the end of your emails. When you do need to print them, it invariably ends up as a line on it's own bit of paper.

  5. Hmm that's true - hadn't thought of that but you're right, I do have lots of bits of scrap paper with that line (or another signature line) written on it - defeating the whole object!
